Watch This Awesome Imovie!

Hi guys!

As part of our history unit, we studied Indigenous culture.

We first wrote down questions that interested us then we chose our favourite, we started studying about it then we came together into our groups who had similar questions. And put it into a video for you!

My group’s topic was art, and my inquiry question was: Why do aboriginals paint themselves?

Here is my group’s video:

My question to you is, What was two things you learned in our video?

Creating Memories At Cranbourne

‘Hey look at this perfect photo!’ I commented,

‘Ohhh send that one to me!’ My friend Ophelia suggested.

Yesterday we were in the perfect place to take some photos, the year 4 excursion was at Royal Botanic Gardens, Cranbourne, and it was fantastic. But it wasn’t just for photos we were there to learn about indigenous Australians.The surroundings were beautiful, you could see luscious plants and flowers everywhere. 

This are my photos!

At Cranbourne we learnt about how the tools were made and used, the second thing we did was  we got to make paint with: water, ochre and another bigger rock. You would rub them together and boom, paint. We also got to drink lemongrass water, I didn’t really like it but I’m sure others did.

After lunch we had a scavenger hunt and you will see some of the photos we took in my pic collage.

Do you know an indigenous fact? And if so what is it?

Sometimes It’s Symmetry

In 4T we have been investigating symmetry 

Symmetry is a mirror image of an object, that if cut in half will be able to be folded over the other side. The line can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal, and sometimes it’s all of them!

 Today I explored our classroom to see real-world examples.  

Click this link to see what I found!

Oh and by the way what can you see that is symmetrical?

Hedley Sutton a sudden of fun

“Wow! You’ve lived in Venice? You also have a house there?” Was how one of the sentences I said to one of the residents (old people).

We went to a beautiful aged care facility called Hedley Sutton. We did this for one of our community service that we do in year 4. We met kind residents at the manor.

These are my questions and poem, if you like read it and tell me your answers in the comments

When we were at Hedley Sutton we could see residents all around. The person who I went to was extremely kind and I was anxious when I didn’t need to, the residents were very kind and we read them a poem we made in class we also asked them questions we made too. At the time we had our Me Bag, in that bag (mine was a box) were things that represented us, I had a picture of my dog, a mini piano, my ballet shoes and a little toy cat.

What was your favourite memory with a grand friend?

Book Worms For Book Chat

    Hey guys!

Did you know in 4T we do Book Chat, it’s super fun let me explain why. 

Book Chat is when our superstar Library teacher gathers some super awesome books for us to read. There are usually five books in the selection. You also talk about the book at the end with the people that chose the book, so it’s pretty much a book club. The book I chose was called Flora & Ulysses, (I did the fancy and because it’s in the title). I’ll tell you why in the next paragraph.

This is my Book Chat⬆️

I chose this book because I thought it would very interesting and fun, I was right. I thought this thought because my teacher said it was about a squirrel that got sucked up into a mega special vacuum, and a girl that’s a cynic, (a cynic is someone who always thinks glumly). I also thought it would be humorous since I read the little mini tittle on the inside it said…. She is a natural born cynic! He is an unassuming squirrel! Together Flora & Ulysses will conquer villains, defend the defenceless, and protect the weak….. or something. That was pretty funny I think.

Do you think Book Chat is a good idea and why?