Hedley Sutton a sudden of fun

“Wow! You’ve lived in Venice? You also have a house there?” Was how one of the sentences I said to one of the residents (old people).

We went to a beautiful aged care facility called Hedley Sutton. We did this for one of our community service that we do in year 4. We met kind residents at the manor.

These are my questions and poem, if you like read it and tell me your answers in the comments

When we were at Hedley Sutton we could see residents all around. The person who I went to was extremely kind and I was anxious when I didn’t need to, the residents were very kind and we read them a poem we made in class we also asked them questions we made too. At the time we had our Me Bag, in that bag (mine was a box) were things that represented us, I had a picture of my dog, a mini piano, my ballet shoes and a little toy cat.

What was your favourite memory with a grand friend?

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