Maths Times Tables!

We all know maths is hard, so I’m going to tell you about mine. We have been doing times tables in random order, to memorise them. My current goal for times tables is 8’s. 

I’ve done better before in the past but my score today was 30/95. I went away (to New Zealand) so I’ve missed some time to practise. The weird thing about my progress is that it’s gone up and down.

This is my maths times tables graph.

Before New Zealand I had a pretty good score but because I’ve not done any since it’s gone down. To include that we have to do 95 questions in 3 minutes.

What have you used times tables for lately?

One thought on “Maths Times Tables!

  1. Hi Audrey,
    I love your post it is written very well. I would feel bad that you didn’t get practice but you got to go to New Zealand in stead which I would defiantly rather do. I can only remember doing times tables when we practice our times table goal.
    When have you used times tables?
    From Susie

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