“YAY!” Cheered the class, we had just won CBM, Comment Bonanza Month.

CBM is when each class who takes part has to get more comments than each other. We had to teach others how to write quality comments. These are the classes who took part,

4T, 4HB, 4D, 5B, 5Q & 5S

It was tight between 5B, as they had 610. But luckily we had upped our game when we went

down. So in our close win, we had 625!😄

Everyone was excited when it was presented, since our goal had been completed. To keep the 4T winning streak!😁

Here is a a pic collage to back us up.

Click here to see our class celebrating!

What is one thing you have cheered for?

The Only Lonely Panda

I look around to see, Evil Queen! Cruella Devil! Peter Pan and Genie! And even Ginny Weasley! This is going to be a good day.

This week we’re doing Book Week! Today is Friday, and it’s super exciting because we get to dress up as book characters! My character is The Only Lonely Panda. He’s a panda who tries to make friends with another panda, but doesn’t know how. So he does stuff that other animals do to make friends.

My character is from the book ‘The Only Lonely Panda’.

The PLA my character shows is resilience, I think this is because he tries all the other animals ways, but fails and hurts himself. Although he keeps trying! And in the end when he gives up and starts eating, she comes over, because she smells the bamboo. He decides to share with her, and they become the best of friends.

When have you showed resilience?

Life Ed Van!

“Nice shoes!” laughed Ophelia’s group. 

We were reading texts with emojis, and acting them out. For Ophelia’s group it read,

Nice shoes😂👉

We acted them for Ms Tirtilas, and she felt quite uncomfortable when Ophelia’s group acted. My group did a nice one, this was ours.

Nice shoes😍

We were meant to be in love with the shoes. Which was a bit weird, because she took it the wrong way. She thought we were because sarcastic. 

At Life Ed, we were talking about cyber safety. So she put up some posters, and showed us photos of, Fortnite, Snapchat and YouTube. We went to different sides of the room, to posters where they said,

That’s so me

That’s sometimes me

That’s not me

When she held them up we went under the posters that connect to us. For example, she held up YouTube,

I went to the ‘Thats so me’ and as a class we talked about it. Cyber safety is very important so that people don’t get your passwords or inappropriate videos shared.

What have you used YouTube for?

Singing in Vivace Choir!

“Yes, excellent now try with no consonants, to make it longer.” Told the Adjudicator, after a pause and us singing, then she spoke again. “Perfect let’s move to the next song.”

Suddenly a girl walks of stage, another went down. Two more, almost everyone looked sombre.

When the first girl sits down to rest, everyone calms down. Then suddenly, all people look, their hearts dropped. Vivace still on stage, we sing quieter and slightly impatient.

Hurriedly the Adjudicator finished, and took the photo with us so we could get out.

That is what happened to us when we sang. We got the songs through, but when we were getting our feedback, not all of us made it.

Along with the girl who felt sick, my sister and two of her friends were also in trouble. The were out on the couch lying down. Shivering uncontrollably, making an effort to sit up. Barely able to walk either.

What has been the most exciting but nervous moment in your life?


Needs For The Homeless

“And that is how you do a simple blanket stitch,” finished Mrs Burns,  “Now go back to your classrooms to find your partner.”

We are starting a Community Service project, we’re making blankets for the homeless.

We raised money by doing chores to buy the blanket materials. We are doing this because the homeless have less than us, so we are spending our time to help them.

Peter the manager of the organisation that we are working with, he came to visit us and tell us what happens to them. He told us that some people sleep in cold parks and get wet. He helps them to find homes and food.

Some people are cold and wet in parks but are not ready to come to Peter, need warmth. So to help them we did experiments to see which material is waterproof, warm and comfortable. The material we chose was……. POLAR FLEECE. This is a perfect material to use since it covers most of the above.

Have you ever tried to help a charity?


Meet The Convict!

We all waited as Magistrate Michael cleared his throat, “ The first name is Jane Herbert,” I gasped, that was my name! I struggled to put my hand up but completed it. He asked me to walk up to the front before all the other convicts.

Yesterday was Convict Day, and it was a whole lot of fun. Let me show you through it. 

First we came into class for some awesome activities. We made a love token, which most convicts used for others to leave as a ‘remember me’ token. 

Then we went to another class to do a freeze pictures in groups. We also did a small play in groups.

After we went to another class to paint a picture, first we drew on a picture that was already drawn. Then when the picture was coloured in, we painted it with water.

After recess we designed a piece of paper to use as a ‘ship’, we were going to wrap them around a table to make a fake ship for Meet the Convict at the end of the day.

Then after lunch we prepared for being asked questions (although I was at a cello lesson) since our parents were coming to learn more about convicts.

The foul parents come in at 2:15 to question us. More like interrogation than a fun afternoon ( I can’t say the everything was FUN).

Read With Me And ELC

“I see her. She sees me.” Was the first line in my book.

We went down to ELC to read with the kindergarteners.

We did this since it’s Literature Festival and sharing literature is always amazing.

These are some photos of when we were there.

The Oak Room, Jungle Room and Music Room brought back lots of memories to the people who went there lots of years ago.

We planned to read them quite easy books and mine was ‘He Bear She Bear’ and we made questions on post – it – notes. This is a photo of mine.

This is my book and
post – it – note.

My buddies were a boy and girl, I can’t remember their names but they were adorable.

They didn’t exactly pay attention, but they answered the questions I asked.

What do you think about reading to kindergarteners? And would you do it?


Tap The Magic Tree!

We did another thing to celebrate the Literature Festival, me and my buddies read ‘ Tap The Magic Tree’ today in house. 

We realised that the book was about the different seasons.

We thought it was fun since we got to tap and brush the book for different things to happen.

This is an example.

This book was by Christie Matheson and I’m pretty sure she illustrated it too.

What do you like to read? And do you like when authors include you by making you tap the pages?