672? Or 881?

We are the near the end of year and have learned many different strategies to help us in all areas of maths. 

One particularly interesting method to help you to divide big numbers can be to know the divisibility rules. 

Each group in our class investigated one and has made a video to share so that we can all learn from each other. 

In my group were Veda and I, it was about 12’s.


Watch my video carefully and answer the final question. 

Is that Weathering?

In integrated we are learning about weathering, erosion and deposition. We are also learning about natural disasters.

Let me explain those interesting words. Weathering is the breaking down of the land, some examples are, wind, water etc. Erosion is the moving of the land, it can be moved by also water and wind. Deposition is where the land ends up.

Today 4T walked around the school for examples of this process. Here are some of my photos:

Where have you seen W.E.D?

Read That!

Planning your writing helps you to know what you’re going to do.

A story graph is one way to do this.

I read the story ‘ Teacup ‘ and plotted the events on the story graph. Have a look below:

As you can see in the story graph, I have put a photo where there is sand and fruit. There are also footsteps. Even baby footsteps!

Can you think of an alternate sizzling start for this book?